Saturday, June 28, 2008

2c California State Symbols

For the last segment of our California virtual field trip, I chose the California state symbols as my topic to research. There are countless symbols tied to the history of California. This connects with the study of humanities because the symbols used to represent different aspects of California tell many things about the culture and past of the state.

There are many different symbols associated with California, from manmade designs to the natural world. California's state beverage is of course, wine, due to the large number of wines produced there. The state's bird, insect, and mammal are the California Quail, California dogfaced butterfly, and grizzly bear, respectively, all iconic wildlife of the state. The California poppy is the state flower, and the sequoia is the state tree. California's state seal and flag incorporate these images as well, with both featuring the grizzly and other iconic imagery. California's state motto is "Eureka!" which translates to "I have found it!" Many of the symbols relate to the best and most memorable of California's past, bringing to mind the gold rush or the most intense natural wonders of the state.

I chose this topic because I think it is interesting how certain symbols have come to be associated with my state. I also was intrigued because I did not know some of the symbols that I found were linked to California at all. I've never heard a reference to our state butterfly, or California's very own tartan pattern, for instance. I wonder why Minerva, a Greek goddess, is part of California's state seal. I'd like to know more about how these became "officially" associated with California.


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